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MBT shoes-health shoe.botanical slim , Just designed for you.mbt online , Even MBT Shoes look weird, but not necessarily in a bad way.abercrombie & fitch jeans , They definitely don't look like a new release from Adidas or Nike, but thanks to more recent attention to cosmetic design, many of the styles don't look exactly like sensible shoes either.wedding dresses 2011 , The first thing you'll notice is the extremely thick and curved sole.buy replica louis vuitton , If you set one of the shoes on the floor, and look at if from the side, you see that the parts of the sole under the toes and the heel do not actually hit the floor. This looks strange, of course, but the really odd part is how the shoes feel when you first put them on -like you might fall backwards. The extremity of the sole is probably in part why the shoes carry a warning that they're not meant to be warn on slippery or wet surfaces-I strongly suggest you heed this warning, and exercise caution when you first begin wearing MBT shoes. Introduced to the market in 2003, MBT shoes take a fresh approach to footwear, employing research and technology to the fullest extent to offer a shoe that mimics walking barefoot in soft sand. The shoe's curved sole provides a rolling motion that spreads stress along the entire surface of the foot and engages muscles in the calves, thighs and core that are not normally used to maintain balance. The overall effect is improved posture and better toned muscles, leading to less discomfort and greater endurance.-InspirationWhen the makers of MBT shoes began designing the prototype for a new kind of shoe, they noticed something about marathon runners. Time after time, marathon winners and front runners would be clad in the familiar green, black and red of the Kenyan flag. The shoe designers realized that runners from East African nations consistently performed better and had fewer running-related injuries than runners of other nationalities. The commonality among these top athletes was their habit of training without any shoes at all-running barefoot.MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology, and takes the Eastern African tradition of shoeless running as its inspiration. The key to running barefooted is the rolling motion the foot takes, which spreads the impact throughout the rest of the body. This means that running with traditional shoes is actually more stressful on feet than running with no shoes at all.

Of course, going shoeless in our paved and concrete-covered environment is not a very practical idea, so MBT Shoes offer the next best thing, with both the protection and foot-friendly design you need.-The Natural AlternativeThe advent of footwear itself is a rather recent technology relative to the modern human. Instead of correcting the shortfalls of normal shoes or attempting to cradle the foot's every contour, the MBT shoe encourages the foot to operate as it would naturally. By treating the foot as if it weren't wearing a shoe at all, the MBT shoe trusts the evolutionary engineering of the human body itself to keep your feet, spine and muscles in perfect working condition. Since modern humans use their feet much less than our ancestors, there's no reason we should suffer because of the shoes we wear. MBT Shoes offer the truly natural alternative to the traditional norm.-Toned MusclesOne of the other fantastic benefits of MBT Shoes is their way of toning and strengthening key muscle groups as you walk normally. Scientific studies shoe that walking in soft sand takes about 2 times the amount of energy as walking on a hard flat surface. Additionally, the unique shape of MBT Shoes causes a more natural instability in the body-as opposed to artificial stabilizing normal shoes-and employs finely tuned muscles in the calves, ankles and abdomen to maintain balance. This powerful combination leads to better toned muscles, a more balanced body and improved posture over time. Best of all, the MBT Shoe lessens stress on joints with their extra padding and innovative design to yield one of the safest forms of exercise available.Men wear MBT Men Shoes and keep exercise now, it is benefit for your health, just designed for your health.